What Every Entrepreneur Needs to Know

If you are a business owner or have an entrepreneurial spirit, this week’s blog is just for you.

In my personal library I have books that are well worn and I refer to regularly. These books have had a huge influence on me and have shaped me personally and professionally.

A book I would suggest you add to your personal library is “Secrets of the Rockefeller Habits” by Vern Harnish. I love this book because it is full of powerful concepts. I am very thankful for Vern’s book because it has positively influenced my businesses and I would like to share with you a few of these concepts.

The first is the importance of daily huddles. Huddles that are performed before each workday will effectively re-engage each employee with the organizations core values and core focus. During your daily huddle is when you review the organization’s goals and tract the progress. I have had the privilege to witness a pre-shift huddle at a Ritz Carlton Hotel. It was a powerful and influential experience that I can’t divulge the specifics of, but their daily huddles are a key contributor to their universally recognized exceptional customer service.

The Rockefeller Habits share two rules that every business should adopt.

Rule 1:

  • Create products/services people can’t live without and is habit forming.(Starbucks anyone?)
  • Crank up the new tools of sales and marketing to let the right people know.
  • Design lean processes to execute on all the revenue you’re generating.
  • Learn from other highly successful people on how to do all the above.


Rule 2:

  • Create a business model driven by recurring revenues (Highest valued firms).
  • Bring together a brilliant team that keeps getting smarter.
  • Craft a viral story that attracts the right percentage of the market.
  • Execute, execute, execute!
  • You can, and should, succeed with both to maximize profits and sales.


If you are in business, use these two rules to access where you are. What do you need to implement into your business and where can improvements be made? If you are considering starting a business, then how lucky are you to be exposed to these brilliant concepts in advance? If you know someone in business please share this with him or her. They will be very grateful you did.

Be abundant, live inspired, fulfill your destiny.

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