Are You Willing to Pay the Price?

Thank God it’s Monday,

It’s not uncommon for me to receive phone calls or emails from clients asking for advice about what business opportunities they should invest in or idea they should act on. My answer is always the same …… Are you passionate about it and are you willing to pay the price?

Your answer will determine your actions.

What matters most is not that others have had success, but that you are willing to do the work! The success of others is not a guarantee of your success. Are you willing to put in the time and energy to make the sacrifices and be all in? If the answer is yes, then you will have a good chance for success.

When you are considering starting up a new venture, you must understand what the pursuit of success might cost:

1. Additional education or apprenticeship.
2. You could do all the right things and still possibly fail.
3. A full financial commitment to give your new venture a chance to succeed.
4. Sacrificing time with family, leisure and other interests.
5. The lack of support of those who do not share your passion or dream.
6. The resentment or jealously of others once you achieve success.

These are a few issues you need to be prepared to overcome. I am not trying in any way to discourage or dissuade anyone from pursuing his or her dreams, however it is imperative that you consider these issues.

I have been an entrepreneur for most of my adult life. It is exciting and exhilarating to start from nothing and build a successful company, but I feel we should be prepared and understand the potential costs.

As I tell my clients, go into it with your eyes wide open. Have a passion for your product or service and never be outworked, but understand the price of success.

Live inspired, be abundant and fulfill your destiny,


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